Your Guide To The World Of Fundraising

Auction Solutions
Fundraising Resources
Fundraising Resources
Fundraising Resources
Read about how registering with MissionFish can help you fundraise for your favorite causes through charity auctions on eBay, The World's Online Marketplace®.
Fundraising Resources
Fundraising Resources
ISoldIt offers a turn key solution to sell items for fundraisers on eBay through its network of retail locations. Read About how they can make your auction fundraising a breeze.
Fundraising Resources
Find Volunteers
Volunteer Match
Fundraising Resources
VolunteerMatch connects people with causes that need their help. Read This Story about how you can use their service to find a volunteer or volunteer opportunity.

Post An Opportunity, or search for a volunteer opportunity in your area by entering your zip code below.

Fundraising Resources
Legal Resources
Fundraising Resources is a source of valuable information and free services for non-profit organizations. Read Alon Nager's Article on how to form a non-profit corporation.
Fundraising Resources
Net Lingo
Fundraising Resources
Browse a list of Internet terms by clicking on the Pocket Dictionary, or Search for a specific term.

Be a better online fundraiser!
is an award-winning dictionary of Internet terms. It contains thousands of words and definitions that describe the online world of business, technology, and communication. It will help to educate and entertain you about the lingo used in the online world :^)

How To Do It:

Writing A Winning Press Release

Professional Publicists know that the key to a successful PR campaign is writing a compelling press release. It's the vehicle to represent your cause to the world, so take the time to make it perfect. Here are the elements of an effective press release...

  Contact Information: The contact information allows journalists to obtain more information about your cause. The contact person should be very familiar with the news being announced, because they will be acting as your spokesperson to the media.

Release Date: Make sure the date is the exact date the news item is distributed. This way, readers will know the information is timely.

Headline: Think carefully to come up with a headline that captures the essense of your story, while creating interest. It should grab the reader's attention right off the bat. It's a good idea to start the headline with the name of your cause, so it's the first thing that catches your reader's eye.

Sub-Headline: Many releases include a sub-headline that clarifies and expands on the headline. This is a good place to put compelling facts and figures about your news story.

Location: Media representatives may have special interest in local events and causes, so make sure you provide a geographic location for your release.

Body: The body is the largest section of your press release, and it communicates the important facts and details. Double check your body copy to make sure you've included the Who, What, When, Where and How of your story. Some reporters may lift sections of your press release verbatim to use in their stories, so remember to be concise.
news headlines

Featured Poker Events
NPL Charity Group

Poker Cares is a network of poker and fundraising experts who care to make a difference in the community. Find out how you can organize a charity poker tournament event for your next fundraiser. See the Poker Resources Page.

Poker Fundraiser For Diabetes

Read about how Pulver Enterprises hosted a successful Texas Hold'em Tournament to benefit Diabetes causes.

Charity Poker Blog
Want to find out about Charity Poker Tournaments or let us know about yours? We want to hear from you. Experts wanted! See the


Cause Technology
YouTube Nonprofit

Get your nonprofit's message out to the world via the world's largest online video community. Sign up today for a dedicated YouTube Nonprofit Channel.
Fundraising Resources

Read about all the valuable technology articles that TechSoup offers to help your organization effectively plan and use technology.

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